Wednesday, February 7, 2024

First Blog Post…

 Hi everyone. My name is Jonathan Snowden and I go by either Jon or Snow for short. Growing up in the heart of the South during the vibrant era of the 1990s, I was immersed in a world of warm hospitality, rich culture, and Southern charm. Raised against the backdrop of sprawling fields and towering oak trees, my childhood was filled with memories of lazy summer days, sweet tea on the porch, and the upbeat swag of hip hop  music. However, my journey took a different turn when I embarked on a 13-year military career, serving my country with honor and dedication. Throughout my service, I honed my skills, developed strong leadership qualities, and forged lifelong bonds with fellow comrades. Now, as I transition into civilian life, I have embraced my passion for entrepreneurship and the arts. As an aspiring artist, I am channeling my creativity into making some of extraordinary works of art.

While I don't play any musical instruments or dabble in creating music myself, my relationship with music is deeply rooted in appreciation and admiration. I find solace and inspiration in listening to a wide array of genres, with a particular fondness for hip hop. The storytelling aspect of hip hop, where lyrics paint vivid pictures and narratives, captivates me like no other genre can. However, I also enjoy exploring various other genres, except for heavy metal and country, as for one’s distorted sounds and the other’s repetitive patterns don't resonate with me as much. Attending concerts and experiencing live music in venues hold a special place in my heart. There's a unique energy and connection that comes from being immersed in the live performance of artists, and I thoroughly enjoy the communal experience of sharing music with others in such settings. Whether it's a small intimate venue or a large stadium concert, the thrill of live music never fails to uplift my spirits and leave me feeling invigorated.


  1. Awesome - leadership, entrepreneurship and the arts.

  2. Hey John, to start off thank you for your many years of service in the military, and good luck on aspirations in entrepreneurship and creating art.

  3. Hi Jon! You have a wonderful and vivid intro. Where you grew up sounds so peaceful, I can almost imagine it! I also love hiphop as well. I wish you luck on all of your artistic journeys.

  4. Thank you for your service Jon! My grandfather and uncle both had very long careers in the navy. I can absolutely relate to southern hospitality! Growing up I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time all throughout the south! You cant beat the sweet tea!


Music and Society

Thesis Music serves as a powerful commentary on society and fosters unity among people by reflecting cultural values, addressing societal is...